Introduction to parallel programming: deterministic and non-deterministic programs, models for parallel computation, synchronization, communication, and fairness. The course provides an opportunity to gain experience with threads, libraries for thread management in modern programming languages (e.g., Java, C#) and with the execution of parallel programs on multi-processor/multi-core computers.
Natioal Chiao Tung University
Lecture (I)
Dec. 9, Tue, 2014 13:30-15:30
Lecture (II)
Dec. 10, Wed, 2014 10:00-12:00
Prof. Dr. Jürg Gutknecht
Jürg Gutknecht's professional career in Computing started in 1968 in industry with a position in the real-time system programming group at Swissair. From 1970 and while being employed by IBM as a working student, Jürg Gutknecht studied Mathematics at the ETH Zurich, from which he graduated in 1977 with a PhD in Mathematics. Gutknecht joined Niklaus Wirth's Lilith/ Modula personal computing research team in 1981 and, in 1985, after a sabbatical stay at the Xerox-PARC Research Laboratory in California, he was appointed Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the ETH. Then, together with Wirth, he developed Modula-2 system software and created the Oberon programming language and system, followed by several evolutions with a focus on component-based software design and concurrency. Jürg Gutknecht's research interests are in the area of programming languages, compilers and runtime platforms, with an emphasis on lean systems. He is currently involved in projects aiming at holistic systems design, including application-aware chip design based on programmable hardware technology. Prof. Gutknecht is the head of the Native Systems research group at the Computer Science department of ETH Zürich. He was Studies Delegate from 1991 until 1994 and head of department from 2006 until 2010.
報名期限: 即日起至12/7 24:00,額滿為止。
備註: 課程不供餐。